cell phone (616) 212-5145
email: vernon@duduk.us


Welcome to Jenewein Duduks! Connoisseurs of anything musical and wood crafted!

At Jenewein Duduks, I craft a unique Middle Eastern woodwind instrument called the Duduk, tsiranapogh or apricot pipe. It hails mostly from the ancient country of Armenia (between Turkey and Azerbaijani).

Look around...

Before popping over to my products page, spark your curiosity further by checking out Duduk History. It’s a brief essay about the Duduk’s lineage. This page also contains links that will surely feed your curiosity with additional Armenian and Duduk history. What’s more, many of these links host videos by Master performers sharing their musical talents. Nothing compares to experiencing, first hand, the beauty of this instrument’s native resonance, and the sound within your hands!

In my photo gallery section you’ll find various stages of my Duduk workmanship. Also some snap shots of my woodworking shop.


Duduk with and without a ghamish